A thought on equal rights of married couples later in life.

elderly couple on the bench

Proposing a thought about Pension Inequality in the Traditional Model of a Married Couple

In the traditional model of a married couple, where one partner earns the money and the other takes care of the household and children, there is often a significant imbalance in pension contributions and payouts later in life. In Switzerland, this is particularly problematic as the social insurance system AHV pays out pensions based on individual contributions. As a result, the partner who has been the caregiver in the relationship receives a lower pension allowance than the partner who has been earning the money. This situation is unfair, as both partners have contributed equally to the prosperity of the family, and a solution is needed.

One solution to this issue is for the earning partner to pay for both individuals’ contributions to the AHV. This could be achieved by making an additional payment, based on the income of the earning partner, into the AHV system that covers both their contribution and the contribution of the caregiver partner. This payment could be based on a percentage of the earning partner’s income, ensuring that the contribution is proportional to the income earned.

By paying for both individuals’ contributions to the AHV, the earning partner would be recognizing the valuable work that the caregiver partner has done for the family, and would be helping to ensure that both partners receive an equal pension allowance later in life. This would help to address the inequality that currently exists in the traditional model of a married couple and would be a positive step towards greater gender equality.

Of course, this proposal would need to be supported by the government and the AHV system in Switzerland. It would also require a change in attitude towards the traditional model of a married couple and a recognition of the importance of equal contributions from both partners in a marriage. However, it is a solution that could make a real difference to the lives of many couples, and it is worth considering as we continue to work towards greater gender equality in all aspects of society.

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