Why avoidance is no solution in communication

woman with blue eyes and blonde hair

Avoidance can sometimes be a useful strategy in interpersonal relationships, but it is generally not the most effective or healthy way to handle issues that arise between people. While avoiding conflict may seem like an easy way to maintain a sense of peace, it can actually lead to more problems in the long run.

When people avoid addressing issues in a relationship, those issues tend to fester and grow, potentially leading to resentment, mistrust, and distance. Avoidance can also prevent people from experiencing the benefits of open and honest communication, which can deepen their connection and understanding of each other.

In some cases, avoidance may be appropriate if the situation is unsafe or if a person needs time to process their emotions before addressing an issue. However, in general, it’s important to find ways to communicate effectively and work through issues in a relationship, rather than simply avoiding them.

Some strategies for addressing issues in a relationship include actively listening to the other person’s perspective, expressing your own thoughts and feelings clearly and respectfully, and seeking outside help from a therapist or mediator if necessary.

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